
Cynthia’s normal form is basically A not melted version of Cynthia. She is more or less the same, but her clothes can be removed, and her feet aren’t melted. She wears white, light up sketchers. However, she is now more dangerous, being able to summon Lucky Seventhia’s heads, and hands, at Will. She’s also now faster, and more mobile. Normal Cynthia can’t stay for long, though, as she will eventually revert back to her melted state. However, there is a different form that can be brought out, by Cynthia being hurt badly. The wound may need to be fatal... she won’t die, though.... Instead, Black “Blood” will start leaking from the wound, as normal Cynthia spits out black “Blood.” She’ll start leaking black “Blood” from her eyes and mouth, as her body starts melting again. She’ll slump down onto her knees. After she does this, 4 hands will burst out of her back, each with the ability to stretch. Her head will then fall off, and will be caught by one of her normal hands. Her head will be replaced by a 5 foot long arm, with 6 other 4 foot arms, 3 on each side of the arm. Her normal arms will then grow longer, one of which will still be holding the original head. Her head arm will then grow a large, Amber colored eye at the base of it, which she used to see. This form, known as melting Cynthia, will then stand, her legs having long, white strands, connecting them to the large puddle. The puddle will then grow a tentacle. Melting Cynthia is incredibly hostile, but can be “Killed” easily. She can also be calmed by someone hugging her, or by being cleaned. After she has been calmed, she will revert back to Cynthia.